demScript :: Examples :: The Lab Stage Updater

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This is an automation script we knocked up for The Lab stage of development for demScript

It uses various functionality including but not limited to Shell, HTTP and File Manipulation. You could have it RunWait instead of just running but this is part of the installed tool set so it'll needs not to be running during the installer installation

The Script

// During The Lab stage of the development cycle for us at Deimos there will be updates on a regular basis, this will allow you to easily update by just running this script.
// A compiled version will be added to Tools, and it bails without waiting so it'll be updated too.  Add to say dartTask on a week or monthly schedule to make sure you're always up to date.
program TheLabStageUpdater;
{ Main }

// Variable Declarations Here
            url      :            String;
            TFname   :            String;

// This is the main body of the script
     // Set the URL to the installer on the Deimos website
     url := '';
     // Use a temporary filename
     TFname := BackSlash(strGetTempPath) + 'demscript.exe'
     // If it exists still from the last run, remove it so we definately have a fresh copy.
     if fileExists(TFname) then FileDelete(TFname);
     NetHTTPGet(url, tfname);
     if fileExists(TFname) then
          // We have the installer, now we just need to invoke it.
          // But we're not waiting so the script execution finishes before the installer wants to replace any in use files from this script/Or Bound runtim.
          ShellRun(Tfname, '/silent', wt_min);
{ EOF }


The file in a seperate HTML File
The .demScr file (Raw Script) of the example
Zipped Archive of Script File

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