

TinyTimer is simply that. It's a little count down timer that is mostly tray resident you can use to sound an alarm, or show a message box, even launch something when the timer runs out.

It's surprisingly useful, and you can use it for tasks, i.e. I'll do something for this long and then TinyTimer will remind you when your time is up!

There really isn't much frill, though you can color the timers. This is reflected in the tray icon so you can easily tell your timers apart and you can set the window position very easily.

There's some nifty options, even a warning when the timer is close to running out.

We created it to help timing something specific, okay to cut down smoking, and it really did help!

Top Features

  1. Small easy to use timer
  2. Colorful interface one can customize.
  3. Easily tell your timers apart
  4. Tray resident, or a small moveable window to show the countdown remaining!


Download: Size: Type
TinyTimer Installer 4mb Installer - Help


The Main Interface

The Context Menu

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