

Pre-Alpha Stage Software. This is really a preview release to get feedback on the current features.

EvoDeck is a companion program for Starwraith 3D Games, LLC's excellent Evochron Legacy SE.

It is still in early stages right now, but we wanted to gain a little feedback so it's up here to get that and your thoughts, comments, and any bug-reports on the existing features.

It's likely to change a lot between now and release, some features may not make the final grade while others are certainly going to be added. Use is at your own risk and it comes with no warranty.

It's got a lot going for it already, the actual Deck part of EvoDeck shows a lot of useful information to a pilot, including alerts for certain events (like Cargo Full, Bay's used and more), along with some WIP features that will be built upon in the coming development cycle

Top Features, (including planned)

  1. Lot's of information shown in a simple easy to use interface
  2. Alerts of important events
  3. Ship configurator for making your builds whenever you want, not just when the game is running.
  4. Economy Lookup Table
  5. Cargo table with estimated worth
  6. Tour Guide, for enhanced tours around the Evochron Galaxy
  7. Mod Manager
  8. Detailed On Screen Display
  9. While designed for a second monitor, it can still be used on a single with special configurations.
  10. Multi-Game Launcher for all working Starwraith Games
  11. Astro-Navigation will keep track of discoveries and warn you of anything interesting that you're close to.
  12. Back up system, creates on demand and timed back ups of your pilot profile
  13. And much, much more...


Download: Size: Type
EvoDeck_Inst.exe - This Site 5,056 kb Installer - Help


The deck showing the backup screen

The deck showing the economy table

The deck showing current ship load-out

The ship configurator

The tray resident menu and icon

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